Maître de conférences at Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA), France.
Affiliated to Laboratoire 3SR (UMR 5521) and IUT 1 GCCD.
Apr, 2024
David Georges (Post-doc)
Investigtation of the hydro-mecanical behaviour of raw earth interfaces.
Supervisors: Malecot Yann, Naillon Antoine, Tengattini Alessendro, Vieux-Champagne Florent
Jul, 2023
Laura Perrotta (Ph.D.)
Microstructural insights into the mechanical behavior of Lightweight Cemented Soils using X-ray microtomography.
Supervisors: Russo Giacomo, Tengattini Alessandro, Viggiani Cino
Nov, 2022 - Jun, 2023
Elsa Anglade (Post-doc)
Mesoscale modelling of raw earth materials using the Enhanced Finite Element Method.
Supervisors: Malecot Yann, Seiffert Yannick, Vieux-Champagne Florent
Oct, 2022
Valentin Raspail (Ph.D.)
Characterization of the brick / mortar interface in raw earth masonry.
Supervisors: Florent Vieux-Champagne, Yann Malecot, Yannick Sieffert
Oct, 2022
Ewald Guillaume (Ph.D.)
Cable reinforced concrete structures.
Supervisors: Malecot Yann, Seiffert Yannick, Vieux-Champagne Florent
Oct, 2021 - Jun, 2023
Rida Grif (Ph.D.)
Global/local domain decomposition method applied to reinforced concrete structures.
Supervisors: Colliat Jean-Baptiste, Gosselet Pierre
Sep, 2018 - Sep, 2021
Alejandro Ortega (Ph.D.)
An E-FEM generalisation for the modelling of triaxial fracture processes in composite quasi-brittle materials at the mesoscale.
Supervisors: Daudeville Laurent, Malecot Yann
Dec, 2016 - May, 2020
Olga Stamati (Ph.D.)
Impact of meso-scale heterogeneities on the mechanical behaviour of concrete: insights from in-situ x-ray tomography and E-FEM modelling.
Supervisors: Andò Edward, Malecot Yann
Sep, 2016 - Nov, 2019
Yue Sun (Ph.D.)
Finite Element Modeling of the cyclic behavior of concrete: mesoscopic approach.
Supervisors: Colliat Jean-Baptiste, Shao Jianfu
Supervisors: Malecot Yann, Naillon Antoine, Tengattini Alessendro, Vieux-Champagne Florent

Supervisors: Russo Giacomo, Tengattini Alessandro, Viggiani Cino

Supervisors: Malecot Yann, Seiffert Yannick, Vieux-Champagne Florent

Supervisors: Florent Vieux-Champagne, Yann Malecot, Yannick Sieffert

Supervisors: Malecot Yann, Seiffert Yannick, Vieux-Champagne Florent

Supervisors: Colliat Jean-Baptiste, Gosselet Pierre

Supervisors: Daudeville Laurent, Malecot Yann

Supervisors: Andò Edward, Malecot Yann

Supervisors: Colliat Jean-Baptiste, Shao Jianfu

Mesoscopic simulations

The use of the Embedded Finite Element Method is used for the numerical modelling of triaxial fracture processes in non-homogeneous quasi-brittle materials. Weak and strong discontinuities are used, allowing the model to account for material heterogeneities and represent local fractures. Simulations are compared to Digital Volume Correlation performed on X-Rays tomographic images for various confinement pressures.
Critical probability of percolation

We propose an analytical model to predict the critical probability of percolation. It is based on the excursion set theory which allows us to consider N-dimensional bounded regions. Details are given for the three-dimensional (3D) case and statistically representative volume elements are calculated. Finally, generalization to the N-dimensional case is made.
Multi-modal registration

Both x-ray and neutron tomography give very detailed insight in the microstructure of concrete. However, their different contrasts make one modality more relevant for some features. Both types of images acquired on the same specimen may be registered onto each other, after the statistical joint distribution of absorption coefficients has been learned. A Gaussian mixture model is used to identify up to five different phases having different signatures.
Multi-scale analysis of fracture

The work proposes a FE2 multiscale approach to computational modeling of material failure in concrete-like structures, made of cement/aggregate-type composite materials. Keeping the approach in a classical homogenization setting, a multiscale model is proposed, which naturally provides a microscopic lengthscale to be exported to the macrostructure. There, this length scale is used as regularization parameter in the context of the Continuum Strong Discontinuity Approach to material failure (CSDA).
Reduced order models for fracture

The reduced order part of the work addresses the problematic of reducing the computational time of multi-scale framework by solving, at each point of the structural scale, the Representative Volume Element (RVE) equilibrium problem using Reduce-Basis approximations. A specific methodology is proposed in order to tackle non-smooth fields.
Articles (26)
2024 (1)- Microstructural insights into the mechanical behaviour of Lightweight Cemented Soils using X-ray microtomography Géotechnique Letters doi, hal
- Meso-scale Finite Element modeling of the Fracture Process Zone evolution for concrete Theoretical And Applied Fracture Mechanics doi, hal
- An analysis of embedded weak discontinuity approaches for the finite element modelling of heterogeneous materials Computers & Structures doi, hal
- A mixed-mode E-FEM approach for the study of local fracture processes in heterogeneous quasi-brittle materials Materials And Structures doi, hal
- DIC Challenge 2.0: Developing Images and Guidelines for Evaluating Accuracy and Resolution of 2D Analyses Focus on the Metrological Efficiency Indicator Strain doi, hal
- Fracturing process of micro-concrete under uniaxial and triaxial compression: Insights from in-situ X-ray mechanical tests Cement And Concrete Research doi, hal
- General Consistency of Strong Discontinuity Kinematics in Embedded Finite Element Method (E-FEM) Formulations Materials doi, hal
- FE modeling of concrete with strong discontinuities for 3D shear fractures and comparison with experimental results Engineering Fracture Mechanics doi, hal
- Strong discontinuity FE analysis for heterogeneous materials: The role of crack closure mechanism Computers & Structures doi, hal
- spam: Software for Practical Analysis of Materials Journal Of Open Source Software doi, hal
- Dynamics of Water Absorption in Callovo-Oxfordian Claystone Revealed With Multimodal X-Ray and Neutron Tomography Frontiers In Earth Science doi, hal
- The colours of concrete as seen by X-rays and neutrons Cement And Concrete Composites doi, hal
- A peek into the origin of creep in sand Granular Matter doi, hal
- Tensile failure of micro-concrete: from mechanical tests to FE meso-model with the help of X-ray tomography Meccanica doi, hal
- Phase segmentation of concrete x-ray tomographic images at meso-scale: Validation with neutron tomography Cement And Concrete Composites doi, hal
- FE design for the numerical modelling of failure induced by differential straining in meso-scale concrete: Algorithmic implementation based on operator split method Finite Elements In Analysis And Design doi, hal
- Methodology of porosity modeling for friction pad: Consequence on squeal Tribology International doi, hal
- Reduced order modeling strategies for computational multiscale fracture Computer Methods In Applied Mechanics And Engineering doi, hal
- FE modelling with strong discontinuities for 3D tensile and shear fractures: Application to underground excavation Computer Methods In Applied Mechanics And Engineering doi, hal
- Critical probability of percolation over bounded region in N-dimensional Euclidean space Journal Of Statistical Mechanics: Theory And Experiment doi, hal
- Continuum approach to computational multiscale modeling of propagating fracture Computer Methods In Applied Mechanics And Engineering doi, hal
- Poroelastic two-phase material modeling: theoretical formulation and embedded finite element method implementation International Journal For Numerical And Analytical Methods In Geomechanics doi, hal
- Meso-scale modeling of concrete: A morphological description based on excursion sets of Random Fields Computational Materials Science doi, hal
- Multi-scale failure of heterogeneous materials: A double kinematics enhancement for Embedded Finite Element Method International Journal Of Solids And Structures doi, hal
- A nonlinear meso–macro approach to modelling delayed ettringite formation and concrete degradation Materials And Structures doi, hal
- Continuum Approach to Computational Multi-Scale Modeling of Fracture Key Engineering Materials doi, hal
Books (3)
2022 (1)- Damage and Fracture in Brittle Materials with Enriched Finite Element Method: Numerical Study Handbook Of Damage Mechanics. Nano To Macro Scale For Materials And Structures doi, hal
- Tensile damage mechanisms of concrete using X-ray in situ experiments and mesoscopic modelling Handbook Of Damage Mechanics : Nano To Macro Scale For Materials And Structures hal
- The embedded finite element method (E-FEM) for multicracking of quasi-brittle materials Porous Rock Fracture Mechanics With Application To Hydraulic Fracturing, Drilling And Structural Engineering hal
Conferences (22)
2024 (3)- R3XA: Toward a metadata standard for experimental (photo)mechanics datasets PhotoMechanics - International DIC Society 2024 Conference hal
- Multi-scale modelling of raw earth masonry : role of interfaces ICEC 2024 hal
- The embedded finite element method for modeling cracking in quasi-fragile materials at structural scale CSMA 2024 hal
- Morphological modeling of the microstructure of geo-materials: current limitations of the excursion set theory Stochastic Geometry Days hal
- Water absorption mechanisms in Callovo-Oxfordian Clayrock quantied with x-ray and neutron tomography 8th International Conference on Clays in Natural and Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement (Clay conference) hal
- Multimodal hydromechanical analysis of swelling rocks with DVC 7th PhotoMechanics – iDICs conference hal
- Excursion sets of correlated Random Fields: Application to continuum percolation theory Séminaire probabilités de l'Institut Fourier hal
- Meso-scale mechanical tests and FE modelling of micro-concrete International Conference on Computational Plasticity. Fundamentals and Applications hal
- The embedded finite element method (E-FEM) for 3-D cracking prediction of concrete in the mesoscale: recent works on triaxial loading GeoMech-M2UN workshop on Upscaling for strategic materials hal
- Combined local and discrete DVC technique for the measurement of kinematic fields in matrix-inclusions materials Int. Conf. on Tomography of materials and Structures (ICTMS2019) hal
- FE mesoscopic modelling of a micro-concrete based on x-ray scanmorphologies FraMCoS-X : Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures hal
- Possible links between experimental and numerical analysis: application to cementicious material Séminaires du LaMcube hal
- In-situ x-ray tests for an image-based FE meso-model for cementitious materials Micro to MACRO Mathematical Modelling in Soil Mechanics (μM 2018) hal
- Continuum multi-scale modeling of fracture in cementicious-like materials CMN2015 hal
- On POD based reduction-order modeling in multi-scale material failure simulation CMN2015 hal
- Continuum multi-scale modeling of fracture Euromech 559 hal
- Mesoscale finite element modeling of cementitious materials WCCM 11th hal
- Continuum multiscal (FE2) modeling of material failure WCCM 11th hal
- Multi-scale (FE2) analysis of material failure in cement/aggregate-type composite structures Euro-C hal
- Multi-scale simulation of quasi-brittle heterogeneous materials: application to concrete like materials 31èmes Rencontres de l'AUGC hal
- Quasi-brittle failure of heterogeneous materials: 3d meso-scale FE models with embedded discontinuities WCCM - 10th hal
- Morphological modeling of cement based materials and hydration process Microdurability doi, hal
Manuscripts (2)
2022 (1)- Mesures et simulations de matériaux cimentaires à l'échelle mésoscopique 3SR, UGA, CNRS, Grenoble INP hal
- Meso-scale FE and morphological modeling of heterogeneous media : applications to cementitious materials LMT, CNRS, ENS Cachan, UPMC hal
Software (1)
2020 (1)Source: HAL 2025/02/13 00:00 UTC